Demon cannot harm anyone unless it has a host to 'activate' its power. It makes use of the weaknesses of its host to exert its influence.
What do the demon fear? You face the things that you fear and overcome them. Whenever a thing is done for the first time despite your fear, it releases the demon. But it'd not go away and leave you alone forever. It'd stay closely by your side to observe you, just to be certain that it was not a one-time 'madness' on your part. And besides, you still have other weaknesses for the demon to exploit.
However, please don't be disheartened. Look on the bright side. Demon fears a 'Bright and Sunny' host! "Uncertainty! fell demon of our fears! The human soul that can support despair, supports not thee. "
And remember to smile and laugh! Demon fears a happy, loving, kind and compassionate host. This type of host does not just chase away the demon, but has the power to 'convert' it into a friendly 'demon'! "One hearty laugh together will bring enemies into a closer communion of heart than hours spent on both sides in inward wrestling with the mental demon of uncharitable feeling."
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