Thursday, July 30, 2009

Just Juggle it ?

Juggling is a good form of exercise for part of the arms and shoulders. It also improves your eyes to hands coordination.

Juggling does to my upper limbs, what jogging has done for my lower limbs. In fact, there are jogglers who do juggling while they go jogging.

You can do a "speedy" session by upping the tempo: use more props, and of the same size and shape and texture and weight, and keep the props closer to one another in the air.

Or, you can do a "strengthening" session by upping the degree of difficulty: use more props and of different sizes and shapes and textures and weights, and execute a more complicate pattern.

Or, you can have a relaxing "recovery" session by slowing down the rhythm: use less props, do an easier pattern, and throw the props higher up. Some people juggle only when they are calm. Others juggle to calm themselves. Personally, I find that the condition is similar to that of a long slow jog, which is a good time to do some thinking and dreaming. Juggling certainly does take away some negative energy from you as it burns calorie at the same time.

Life certainly is one juggling act after another. Juggling between work and leisure, family and friends, between all the different roles that you play. Shall we add more things to juggle, or shall we intentionally miss one of these items and lets it drop to the ground? Or shall we just focus on a handful of tasks or goals, that we can simply hold on to, without the need to juggle?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

War Zone 7: End of the Road

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"Violent is like money in the bank;
it's only helpful if you don't have to use it."

"Friends may come and go,
but enemies accumulate."

"Half the harm that is done in this world is
due to people who want to feel important"

"One who looks upon the world
as a bubble and a mirage,
him the King of Death see not."

Monday, July 27, 2009

Dancing with a Rubik

Dancing with the feet and the heart is one thing, but dancing with the fingers and the brain is another.

"Dancing is the poetry of the foot." Dancing with the Cube is the poetry of the fingers.

"Dancing can reveal all the mystery that music conceals."

"You can dance anywhere, even if only in your heart", even if only with your fingers.

"Dancing is like dreaming with your feet"; dancing with a Cube is like dreaming with your fingers!

"The truest expression of a people is in its dance and in its music. Bodies never lie."

They who love dancing with their fingers too much seem to have more brains in their fingers than in their head.

"Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up", get a Cube "and dance."

"Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order. "

"I can feel the wind go by when I run"; when my fingers run around a Cube. "It feels good. It feels fast."

"Intellectual tasting of life will not supersede muscular activity."

"Exercise", dance with a Cube": you don't have time not to."

War Zone 6: a Void Victory

"Whoever is overcome
by this wretched and sticky craving,
his sorrows grow
like grass after the rains.

But whoever overcomes
this wretched craving,
so difficult to overcome,
sorrows fall away from him
like water from a lotus leaf."

"One should not despise
what one has received,
even though it be little,
nor envy the gains of others."

"Attach to nothing.
Hold on to nothing.
Cling to nothing
of the past, present and future."

"Empty your boat.
Emptied, it will sail lightly."

"Happy indeed we live,
we who possess nothing.
Feeders on joy we shall be
like the Radiant God."

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

War Zone 5: the Escape Maze

"Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary."
"The first casualty when war comes is truth."
"Men may be linked by friendship; Nations are linked only in interests."
"We will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Monday, July 20, 2009

War Zone 4: Cross-Border Hatred

"So long as an evil deed has not ripened, the fool thinks it's as sweet as honey."

"Truly, an evil deed committed does not immediately bear fruit, like milk that does not turn sour all at once. But smouldering, it follows the fool like fire covered by ashes."

"Fools of little wit are enemies unto themselves as they move about doing evil deeds, the fruit of which are bitter."
By the way, milk and honey are pure foods, that turn easily and effortlessly into a subtle substance which is the body's counterpart to pure joy, that enable the cells to feel happy and blissful. Rice, almonds, wheat, oranges and dates are some other pure foods.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

War Zone 3: Hold the Fort

"Irrigators regulate the waters; fletchers straighten the arrow shaft; carpenters shape the wood; the wise control themselves." Deploy your Armed Forces and extend your military might prudently. Do not imagine evil where there is none, and not see evil where it is.
"Just as a storm throws down a weak tree, ...Just as a storm cannot prevail against a rocky mountain, ..." Do not use this to validate your reasons to build up a 'defence' capability that could take on the whole 'United Nations' or trigger an arms race towards 'World War 3'. Forge a close relationship with all 'friendly' nations, or establish a strategic alliance with them to stand 'taller'; to stand up to any 'unfriendly' nation, beyond your geographical region and outside your 'legal' zone or 'technological' range of defence.

Monday, July 13, 2009

the Moon

The full moon.

It's such a joy and heart-warming to view it,
with your beloved one beside you;
with your family around you whenever there's a reunion.

However, it brings 'longingness' and sorrow,
if you've broken up with your beloved one,
or when someone in your family is no longer around.

"Seek no intimacy with the beloved
and also not with the unloved,
for not to see the beloved
and to see the unloved,
both are painful.

Therefore, hold nothing dear,
for separation from the dear is painful.
There are no bonds for those who have nothing
beloved or unloved."

War Zone 2: Declaration of War

"The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend"
Yesterdays, they (their parents and grandparents) are our enemies.
Today, they (themselves) are our friends.
Tomorrow, will they (their children and grandchildren) be our enemies again!
If the past generations of people had known that, their children would become good friends one day, would they still have tried to kill one another?
If we know that, our children would become enemies one day, should we still be friends today?
"The same fence, that shuts others out, shuts you in"
We should not isolate or distance ourselves from anyone or any nation who is not on friendly terms with us. Instead, the wider the difference in views, the more we should establish and maintain a close contact with one another, to have the avenue and benefit of looking at things through each other's eyes, and achieve a baseline trust of one another, and avoid any "on-impulse first strike" due to a 'non-understanding' or misinterpretation of motives.
"Whatever harm an enemy may do to an enemy, or a hater to a hater,
an ill-directed mind inflicts on oneself a greater harm."

Please give your own people the opportunity to live peacefully and happily, and not be thirsty and hungry most of the times, and not fall sick and getting weaker by the minutes without receiving the right medical attention, and not have your people look helplessly at their beloved families and not being able to provide them with a basic living condition.
Think again. Is there really an enemy out there, or is it a creation in your own mind out of past experiences, which are similar to the conditions that create the rainbow?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

War Zone 1: The Cold War

"Every country has faults."
"Better conquering self than a thousand times a thousand enemies." If you are holding 'that power' in your hands right now, end your war! If you are about to be granted 'that power', do not initiate new war! Send your men out to 'maintain peace'; to 'induce peace' instead.
"What worthy ends are not better achieved through love than through hate?" Make love, not war. Do not scatter and germinate the seeds of hatred. It's like the flu pandemic; it'll get out of control if all warring parties refuse to or do not play their parts responsibly.
"Everything together falls apart. Every rising up collapses. Every meeting ends in parting. Every life ends in death." These are already the natural processes in life. Do not accelerate them by wars, please!
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