Sunday, June 28, 2009


[Sung by 梁文福 - 黃譓禎, 词曲:梁文福]

Many children spend their earlier years with the grandparents while both their parents are away working full-time. If you are one of them, do you still remember those happy times together?

Are your grandpa and granny resting on the rocking chairs on the porch every night, staring with blurry-weary-teary eyes at the shining stars high above? Have you slowed down the rhythm of your life yet? ...To sit down beside them and let them finish the stories, of their lives, which they had first begun telling you, when you were still a frail child, depending on them for everything. Now, while you are busy getting ahead in your life, their journey is coming to an end. And how they wish upon the stars that you would understand that they still see you as that toddler years back. And they would like you to know the ending of their stories, and to receive all their loves which they are leaving behind for you and your loved ones.

Don't let them leave, with regret and disappointment, for the lands far away and beyond our reach! Now, gather all your children and siblings, and sit in a row! Grandpa and Granny would be so happy and be young again!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

七仔 !

七仔 is playing on my notebook. Join in the fun at my PlayBlog now!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Ponyo !

Ponyo is playing at my playblog now. Go there and join her!

Friday, June 12, 2009

6 little Belles

Starring Marmalade Heart, Cutie March, Cassandra Black, Please Pliê, Buttercake Afternoon & Bunny Black.

What is a beauty? Beauty is in the eyes of the person who sees it. Beauty is in the heart of the person who feels it. Beauty is in the mind of the person who creates it.

Let none find fault with others. Let none see the omissions and commissions of others. But let one see one's own acts, done and undone.

Are you a beauty? The person who sees you as one is also one. The person who disagrees is also not.That person includes you. Whether you think you are a beauty or not, you are right! But this is not the final answer. You can ask yourself the same question again. You shall be your own judge. I'm just a passer-by, admiring your beauty.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Water works too!

These are some of the waterworks at the Singapore Botanic Gardens. Listen to the falling water. Listen to the running water. And feel the 'flowing Stillness' in your mind. You will feel peaceful, serene and blissful. You might choose to flow with the water, or let the water still you down. The running water might make you understand the solitude of silence and feel the joy of quietness. The falling water might make you feel like singing and dancing in the rain.

Water is the best solvent. I hope her music might also dissolve all your problems, disappointments and unhappiness. Clean and fresh 'Plain Water' is essential for our survival; it is essential to good health. However, you are free to change its taste, its colour, its texture and form to spice up your life.

Water is precious. You may play with water, play in the water, play on or under the water. But do remember not to waste water. Conserve it. Recycle it. Lets hope we'll also find drinkable running water on the surface of some other planets soon.

Now, I am feeling thirsty... I'm getting myself a glass of plain water. And please do come back here again for some more water, plainly.

Monday, June 8, 2009

the Mute Swans

Swan is a large water bird that belongs to the same family of waterfowl as ducks and geese. Swans are larger than geese and ducks, and they are easily recognized by their very long necks. Some swans arch their necks in a graceful curve, while others carry their necks upright. Most swans have pure white feathers, but two species that live in the southern hemisphere are completely or partially black. Male and female adult swans look alike. The male swan is called a cob, the female is a pen, and baby swans are cygnets.

Swans are the largest waterfowl. The largest swan in the world is the trumpeter swan of North America. It measures as long as 1.8 m, has a wingspan as great as 2.5 m, and weighs up to 16 kg. The smallest swan is the coscoroba swan of South America, though it is hardly a small bird, measuring about 1 m in length. Some experts believe this bird is more closely related to geese. Many swans have loud, boisterous calls. The trumpeter swan, for example, is named for its bugle-like call, which carries a long distance. The whistling swan (known in North America as the tundra swan) has a whistle-like call. The coscoroba swan produces a loud call that sounds like "cos-cor-ooo." The mute swan is an exception, although it is not entirely silent as the name implies. However, it is far quieter than other swans.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Maitreya Smile

"His belly so huge so as to accommodate everything unbearable;
His mouth so wide-open so as to laugh at everything ridiculous."

We should always strive to fill ourselves up with loving-kindness and compassion, until these qualities overflow and flood your home, then your neighbourhood, then your country, then the whole world, and then the future world, and then the "other Worlds".

End of lesson. Class dismissed. Go and play!

Seriously! ... The point is that when you do "whatever" that makes yourself feel good and/or is good for you, please also see that it does not harm others and the "greater good". If possible, make sure it's also good for others and serves the "greater good".

Do not indulge in destructive activities simply because of peer pressure, no longer relevant old social beliefs or your past conditioning. I know that we are ruled by our habits. It takes a habit to replace a habit. Develop some positive, wholesome, constructive, corrective habits by remembering to do these right things over and over again. Do not be disheartened if we find ourselves slipping back to the old habits, but always rise up with fresh courage. There is no better means of attainment than by continually beginning again.

Got it? Good! You can really go out to play now!
... and please make sure you don't leave anything behind.
... especially, your Smile.

Monday, June 1, 2009

No Kiddy in Parliament, please

The original, more interesting title is "No Kidding in Parliament, please!" It was dropped because I thought it might get me into some sort of trouble if someone try to read in between the simple and direct lines, and put words into my mouth. Or am I thinking too much? In any case...

The state of my mind is somewhat similar to a debating session in the Parliament. There are different interest groups lobbying for a larger share of my limited financial resources, time and energy reserve. They are not purely angels or demons. Everyone has a valid case with its underlying pros and cons. With the intention of achieving a win-win situation for all parties, I have to come up with decisions that incorporate all their requests to varying degrees. Otherwise, they will return to pester me constantly and affect my absolute focus on the particular undertaking.

The mind and the physical body should work in unison. If the mind is confuse, it will send a mixed signal to the body, and there will be wastage in the utilization of your money, time and energy due to a lack of knowledge of your true purpose and goals in life.

And yes, to make myself "safe and sound", I would like to stress that the Parliament is a solemn place and there is NOT a single person kidding there. And also, to really "get into" the Parliament to serve the common interests of your people, you should instead strive to become a credible candidate for the next General Election.
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