Monday, April 27, 2009

This is good for your eyes ...

Really. I'm referring to the real things. After 30-40 minutes of continuous near work (such as what you are doing right now), look at something far far away (such as the green trees). Going for regular walks, or jogging or cycling or 'rolling', in the park is also good for your eyes. And by the way, it's also good for the trees. They need your carbon dioxide, your 'waste water' and your company. Just don't leave behind any rubbish that takes a long long time to decompose or disintegrate. However, you are most welcome to leave your worries, your fears or any negative mental feelings here. The wind will disperse them effortlessly.

It is getting hot, and hotter ...

The fire-ball has risen! It's time for me to go underground to sleep, ...I mean, to cool off. Don't get it wrong... I'm not a vampire. I'm just a harmless snowman.

I shall be back ...after the sun has sunk into the sea or dropped behind the mountains. It's cooler to watch the orange moon-rise. Especially with a pack of red blood,...ur...I mean, a glass of red wine.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Monkeys plucks coconuts ...

Be Flexible? We have not been able to find our perfect job as bananas harvesters. Shall we go and apply for one that asks us to pluck those coconuts! It would be fun to hang around the seaside everyday! I am sick of hanging around the same old trees in our home-sweet-home jungle ... with no one to feed us! But, there are picnickers on the beach who would surely love to share something yummy with some cute and skinny monkeys...

Will it rain? ...keep walking...

Do NOT stubbornly continue any activity in open areas when lightning threatens.

Be alert to darkening clouds, 'sheet' lightning at a distant and increasingly loud thunder.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Finding a seat with the best view of the Ss...

the sand, the shellfish, the sky, the sunrise, the sunset, the stars, the sea, the sea-birds, the ships, the speedboats, the submarines, the sailors, the swimmers, the sharks !

Still Searching ...

Where is it ?

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